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Английский Этимологический словарь - module


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- 1586, from M.Fr. module, from L. modulus "small measure," dim. of modus "measure, manner." Meaning "interchangeable part" first recorded 1955.
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  ~ n 1 especially BrE one of the units that a course of study has been divided into, each of which can be studied separately  (a module in mathematics) 2 a part of a spacecraft that can be separated from the main part and used for a particular purpose 3 one of several separate parts that can be combined to form a larger object, such as a machine or building ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (modules) 1. A module is one of the separate parts of a course taught at a college or university. (BRIT) These courses cover a twelve-week period and are organised into three four-week modules. = unit N-COUNT 2. A module is a part of a spacecraft which can operate by itself, often away from the rest of the spacecraft. A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned module to the space station. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Latin modulus  Date: circa 1628  1. a standard or unit of measurement  2. the size of some one part taken as a unit of measure by which the proportions of an architectural composition are regulated  3.  a. any in a series of standardized units for use together: as  (1) a unit of furniture or architecture  (2) an educational unit which covers a single subject or topic  b. a usually packaged functional assembly of electronic components for use with other such assemblies  4. an independently operable unit that is a part of the total structure of a space vehicle  5.  a. a subset of an additive group that is also a group under addition  b. a mathematical set that is a commutative group under addition and that is closed under multiplication which is distributive from the left or right or both by elements of a ring and for which a(bx) = (ab)x or (xb)a = x(ba) or both where a and b are elements of the ring and x belongs to the set ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a standardized part or independent unit used in construction, esp. of furniture, a building, or an electronic system. 2 an independent self-contained unit of a spacecraft (lunar module). 3 a unit or period of training or education. 4 a a standard or unit of measurement. b Archit. a unit of length for expressing proportions, e.g. the semidiameter of a column at the base. Etymology: F module or L modulus: see MODULUS ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) модуль; блок; узел 2) разбивать на модули 3) унифицированный элемент 4) космонавт. отсек module of package dimensions — модуль размеров тары - access module - albedocollecting solar module - all-space module - amorphous silicon power module - analog divider module - analog timing module - antilock module - applications software module - applications module - astronaut free-flying propulsion module - basic module - basic building-block module - bifacial solar module - biological module - biomedical module - buoyancy riser module - CAE module - CAM module - card module - carriage module - ceiling module - cell control module - close-pack module - computation module - concentrating photovoltaic module - control module - controller module - co-orbiting module - coplanar module - cordwood module - core module - crew module - definition module - descent module - digital module - docking module - docking payload module - dummy module - EDP module - electronic module - engine module - enlarged module - final drive exchange module - finite state-automata module - flat-plate solar module - flexible assembly module - free-flying module - fuel module - full interchangeable modules - functional module - function module - gas-compressor module - habitable module - hardware module - hardware interface module - hardware/software module - horizontal baseline module - hybrid module - hydraulic module - implementation module - inference control module - input/output control module - instrument-assembly module - instrumentation module - instrument module - instrumentation-propulsion module - interface module - irrigation module - laboratory space module - landing module - laterally docked module - linear module - living quarter module - loading module - load module - logistics module - longitudinal docked module - machining module - man-tended module - measurement module - meteorological module - microcircuit module - microminiature module - motorized pump module -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  модуль (размер) объёмный (пространственный) блок; модульная секция (здания) модульный узел (блок, агрегат) модульный водовыпуск, модуль apartment module basic module bathroom building block module box-shaped module box-shaped module open on two sides building block module flexible module kitchen building block module service module thermoelectric-cooling module three-dimensional module ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) модуль; блок; узел 2) кассета 3) унифицированный элемент; унифицированный узел – access module – administration module – associated signaling channels module – automatic reception module – card module – communications module – digital information module – DIMM memory module – fiber-optic module – generating equipment module – input module – input buffer module – interactive interface module – interface subscriber module – junction line module – lamp module – laser emission module – multifrequency signaling module – multiple output module – output module – plug-in module – power module – rack module – receiving module – regulator module – remote switching module – secure airborne-deliverable shelter module – signal processing module – SIMM memory module – software module – solid-state module – subscriber line module – synchronous transport module – telemetric frame generating module – transcoding access module – transmitter/receiver module – transmitting module ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) автономный отсек КЛА 2) блок-комната 3) модуль 4) узел module with differentiation — дифференциальный модуль, модуль с дифференциалом module with filtration — модуль с фильтрацией module without torsion — модуль без кручения - MERA module - absolute homology module - absolutely indecomposable module - absolutely irreducible module - adapter module - affine module - airlock module - algebra module - algebraic module - almost finitely generated module - almost finitely related module - anastomosing module - antisingular module - associated module - augmentation module - balanced module - basic module - basis of module - bidual module - bifiltered module - bigraded module - bounded module - ceramic-base module - chain module - character module - coboundary module - coefficient module - coexact module - coherent module - cohomologically trivial module - coinduced module - coirreducible module - command module - complementary module - complete module - completely injective module - completely projective module - completely reducible module - complex module - conjugate module - contragradient module - control module - convergent module - convex module - coprimary module - cordwood module - cotertiary module - countably generated module - crossed module - cyclic module - decomposable module - definition module - descent module - difference module - differential module - discrete module - discrete-component module - distributive module - divisible module - double module - double-ended module - doubly graded module - dualizing module - exterior module - factor module - faithful module - faithfully flat module - faithfully projective module - field-assembled boiler module - finendo module - finite module - finite-dimensional module - finitely connected module - finitely presented module - finitely spanned module - flat module - free module - full module - geometric module - gradable module - homogeneous module - honeycomb...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. модуль MODULE 1) модуль 2) единица измерения 3) автономный отсек (напр. ракеты) – lunar excursion module ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. спец. модуль; элемент конструкции 2. спец. единица измерения 3. тех. модуль зубчатого зацепления 4. модульный отсек, автономный отсек (ракеты или космического корабля) command module —- командный отсек lunar excursion module —- лунная капсула 5. стандартный сменный элемент (конструкции и т. п.) apartment module —- блок-квартира furniture modules —- секционная мебель ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of torsion модуль упругости при кручении MODULE noun  1) модуль; - module of design - module of torsion  2) модульный отсек, автономный отсек (в космическом корабле) MODULE of design модуль размерности; ...
Англо-русский словарь


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